
The Difference between Physician Endurance and Physician Resilience

The Difference between Physician Endurance and Physician Resilience

The Difference between Physician Endurance and Physician Resilience

By Carla Rotering, MD

The word resilience is derived from the Latin word, “resilire,” which means to leap back or recoil [11,12]. The Oxford Dictionary defines resilience as “the ability of people or things to recover quickly after something unpleasant such as shock or injury” [13]. Studies on human resilience have stemmed from child psychology, where researchers conducted phenomenological observations on children who seemed to have suffered little damage compared with the significant adversity they experienced in childhood [14].

I had previously led a course on physician resilience. The first piece of the puzzle was to come up with a collective definition of resilience.

There is such pushback against the word “resilience.” If people understood the real concept, there would be no pushback.

Resilience means “we can get through everything,” or so most thought.

Endurance is different. Endurance is getting through a hurricane and picking up the pieces after. Some stuff is lost forever, and some stuff is so damaged we can’t do the same.

I am willing to be changed for the better by what is occurring right now. If there are a lot of regulatory changes or changes to the cultural elements of being a physician or leader, we can endure those things.

Endurance says “This is wrong. I can get through this. I’ll show you.”

Resilience says “Am I willing to be changed for the better? Is this an opportunity for me to see a different way and make something better out of what is happening as a physician?”

Endurance – this is wrong, I can get through this, I’ll show you.

Resilience is a quality and endurance is a habit.

The goal isn’t to get into a tangle with people and words.

Key elements of resilience include:

  • Emotional Regulation: Physicians with strong resilience can manage their emotions in the face of stressful or traumatic events. They maintain their sense of purpose and optimism despite setbacks.
  • Adaptability: Resilient physicians are flexible and adaptable, able to adjust their approach when things don’t go as planned. They recognize that change is inevitable in healthcare and are open to evolving their strategies.
  • Self-awareness and Reflection: Resilience involves the ability to reflect on past challenges and grow from them. This reflective practice helps physicians process their emotions, refine their skills, and develop a deeper sense of empathy for their patients and colleagues.
  • Support Systems: Resilience is also about recognizing when to seek support. It’s not about “toughing it out” alone, but knowing when to lean on colleagues, friends, or mental health professionals.

Key elements of endurance include:

  • Physical Stamina: Physicians often work long hours, sometimes on their feet, for most of the day. Endurance helps them maintain their energy levels and perform tasks efficiently, even during extended shifts or difficult days.
  • Mental Fortitude: Endurance requires mental toughness. Physicians must stay focused and alert for extended periods, sometimes while juggling multiple patients and competing priorities. Mental endurance allows them to maintain their performance, even when they’re physically and mentally fatigued.
  • Commitment to the Long Haul: Endurance is about the ability to sustain effort over time. It’s the drive to continue doing the work day after day, even when faced with repetitive challenges or exhaustion.
  • Tactical Self-care: Endurance requires proactive efforts to take care of oneself. Physicians need to manage their well-being and energy, whether that’s through regular breaks, physical activity, or healthy sleep habits, to keep performing at their best over the long term.

Resilience is a willingness to be moved by something that is honest and true.  It is to live above the word so we can see life from a different perspective and make different choices as physicians.